Frequently asked questions

What about transport and accommodation?

As a one-woman business, I don’t organise your accommodation, transport or food and drink. I can give recommendations and suggestions, so if you’re looking for some steer, please let me know. If you have space, I am happy to travel with you, or travel in my own car along the tour.

What about food and drink?

You can’t adventure on an empty tum! When you call to book your tour, we’ll talk about breaks and places to stop for lunch or dinner en route. There are plenty of tasty restaurants and cafes along the way for enjoying a rest and refresh, so you won’t go hungry!

I do always suggest taking some water and snacks for those in-between times.

What about clothing and footwear?

Wear comfortable clothing and be prepared for a change in the weather – you know what they say about having four seasons in one day in Scotland!

What about pricing?

It’s almost impossible to give a clear price for the tour till I know what you want to see, experience and explore. Why not give me a call and we can talk through your ideal sightseeing tour, and I can give you a tailored price for your tailored tour?

Don’t see your special interests in the tour selections?

As an experienced and professional Tourist Guide, I’ve taken groups of visitors and tourists around the whole of Scotland. If you have specialist interests, or wish to visit an area you don’t see featured on my website – give me a call. I take great pleasure in building a tour that delivers everything you want (and more).