
What I do is all about you!

Céad míle fáilte! I’m Margaret and I love a good story.

But more than that, the real thrill is getting to the bottom of a good story – learning everything I can about circumstance and historical facts that bring the characters, buildings and settings to life.

And then there is the joy of sharing the stories with others. So it makes sense for me to have a business that has stories at the heart of everything.  Everything I do for Scotland’s Story with Margaret starts with a story, and has great characters and intriguing settings.  

These stories are your stories.

Three stories, three settings, three services

Genealogy – true detective tales

This Family Tree is now a Family Treasure.
— Fiona Young, Larbert

For me, genealogy is the greatest detective story in the world. With every project I work on, I start with a blank page and through careful, respectful and diligent research (and persistence), I bring your story to life.

It’s an honour to help you unravel the story of who you are and why. Circumstance, personality and choices – good and bad – made hundreds of years ago by people in  your family line ripple through to your current generation (and beyond).

It’s fascinating to help you understand it.

Find out more about my Genealogy Services.


Scotland’s story told on tour

Ah, to have all tour guides be as knowledgeable, talented, and funny as Margaret!
— A Silver, New Jersey, USA

The story of Scotland is everywhere. The streets we walk down, the buildings we visit and the views we admire every day.

Just as genealogy tells you the story of who you are now, through your ancestors, my tours help you piece together where you’re standing now, through the fascinating history of each location.

I take so much pleasure in helping you paint a picture of a beautiful neighbourhood, a stunning glen or even a building through the historical facts and circumstances that shaped it. When you join me on tour, you’ll know a lot more about the places you love, and I can guarantee you’ll never look at them the same way again.

  • 16  years’ experience guiding all ages across Scotland – see my page for  Scottish tourist guide companies. Contact me to check my availability.

  • Virtual tourist guide for several tours around Glasgow for Voicemap.

  • Bespoke and tailored tours are available to private clients on request – see my bespoke tour page for details.

I’ve worked with visitors and locals alike on many interesting and inspiring tours around Scotland for over 16 years, and take immense pleasure in seeing the wonder and fascination on faces as I open up the secrets of the ground we’re walking on.

Stories of adventure, mystery, storms, treason and plot all make for fascinating tales and the best part is, it’s all true.

Traditional Storytelling

She knows her history, is a great storyteller and so engaging that time just flew.
— Maureen S. USA

Humans have used storytelling as a way to educate and entertain for thousands of years so why would we stop now?

No matter how technology advances, and how disconnected we become from our past (and each other), I’m yet to find anyone who doesn’t love a well put together, well executed story.

I’ve told stories (sometimes even in costume) in some of Scotland’s most historic buildings and landmarks, as well as at special events, dinners and even birthday parties – for young and the young at heart.

My stories are always well researched and planned to fit with the event, and the environment, and I use all of my talent and expertise in genealogy and running tours to bring fascinating tales to life.

A new story for Scotland, and for me

One of the best things about stories, is that they constantly evolve. And that’s so true of me and the way I run my business.

Since March 2020, Scotland has lived with a new story – Covid 19 and the global pandemic. Restrictions on movement have made most of my job very tricky – especially the tours, as you would imagine.

But challenges always bring opportunities, and I’ve been able to offer some of my services live on Zoom. Yes, even when you’re as long in the tooth as I am, you can still learn about live streaming!

I love it. Nothing will ever beat in person, on location tours and storytelling, but this has been a wonderful way to keep my passions burning brightly.

The story continues…

Now I’m a live stream expert, I can share my stories with even more people – and you can too.

As an add-on service, I can record (or live stream) the story of your choice for you to share at your own event or gathering.

Whether it was a fascinating tale from your favourite tour, a family adventure through genealogy or a story you’d like to hear for your own storytelling event, I can craft the perfect tale for your needs, for you to keep – or share – forever.

“Let me tell you a story…”


Every project or tour I begin comes from the same thought: ‘What story would they really like to hear?’, and all research comes from the answer.

It means that no two tours are the same; it’s why you’ll never have two identical storytelling sessions from me; and it’s why the information I unearth in my genealogy work is told in my voice, making it unique.

I think about you and your story, and everything else follows.


Where my story begins

For many years, I was a teacher – with a passion for history and a keen eye for keeping disgruntled teenagers interested.

Nothing prepares you for storytelling more than teaching a class full of distracted teens!

I loved my job, but found myself looking for something different. A chance conversation with a tourist guide in Alaska made me realise I could bring my dual passions for history and Scotland to life in front of a whole new audience.

The research involved in becoming a professional tourist guide ignited an existing passion – genealogy. Eventually I married everything under one roof.

Qualifications & Credentials

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  • Sought-after guest speaker

    I’ve had the pleasure of being invited to speak at a number of events, speaking on a wide range of historical topics. Some of them appear on YouTube or feature in podcasts. Ask me for details!

  • Qualified Blue Badge guide

    After studying relentlessly for two years with the Scottish Tourist Guides Association in partnership with University of Edinburgh I was awarded my Blue Badge Guide status.

  • Published author

    I’ve written four books documenting the diverse history of the Argyllshire village, Innellan. “From Scenes Like These” take you through a guided tour of the times from 1898-1992. Proceeds from the books go directly to the community.

  • The Holy Loch

    Project Organiser and Podcaster

    I am one of the organisers of a project American Years Revisited working to create a website presence/ exhibition on the years the American Navy had a Base in the Holy Loch. I have written the history on the website as well as recorded a podcast on life with the Americans. You can listen to my podcasts here.